Serving West Michigan for Anxiety, Depression, and Couples Counseling

Some Use LSD as Brain Boost, But Dangers Remain

In the following article, Jennifer Clopton, health writer for WebMD, discusses the benefits (and drawbacks) in using LSD to increase work performance. The article was reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH, a senior medical director at WebMD and senior medical correspondent for Medscape. Paul Austin believes there is a responsible way to take LSD, and […]

How Long Is Too Long in Therapy?

Drinking too much water can be harmful. Eat too many carrots and you’ll turn orange. Help others all time and you’ll deplete yourself. A daily massage would be . . . nice, actually, but probably expensive. It’s possible to have too much of a good thing. So, if therapy is a source of healing and health, can […]