Encompass Counseling Center is excited to share that Peter Ellew, LCPC, has completed SMART Recovery training to become a certified facilitator of SMART Recovery groups. This specialized training adds to Peter’s already extensive skill set in addiction treatments.
Peter’s passion is to help patients with addictions manage and navigate the difficult road to recovery. The need for group support has become even greater in the midst of this pandemic. That is why Pete is looking forward to starting a group this fall on Wednesday evenings in our Bloomingdale location.
What is SMART Recovery? Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Recovery is an abstinence-based, support program with a sensible self-help approach for people having problems with drinking, substance use, and other destructive behaviors. SMART Recovery teaches people how to control their addictive behavior by focusing on the underlying thoughts and feelings that drive their desire to engage in their addiction—whatever it is. Participants learn skills to manage their cravings and urges so that they can achieve long-term success. SMART Recovery utilizes mutual support in a different way than traditional 12-step programs. It is one of the best ways to help yourself quickly and easily get back your life.
Is SMART for you or a loved one? SMART was developed to help anyone suffering from any type of drug or alcohol addiction. It is also beneficial for people with compulsive gambling, eating disorders, pornography, etc. People with co-occurring mental disorders, such as depression, can also benefit.
To learn more about SMART Recovery, click here: SMART Recovery
Register Today
To assist with social distancing, groups will be limited to 7 participants only, so pre-register today to save a spot by calling 331-575-5035. Pete is also available for individual sessions and is in several insurance and HMO plans. Call this same number to make an appointment.
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