What to Do When Your Spouse Is Depressed

How do you know if your spouse is depressed, and what can you do to help them? There are some healthy ways to encourage your partner to seek therapy, open up about their emotions, and address their symptoms, said Susan Bernstein, executive coach and leadership consultant with her own firm in San Diego, CA. Signs […]
How to Deal with Election Anxiety—Without Freaking Out

Note: At the end of the blog article, “Worried About the Election? You’re Not Alone,”—posted on October 5, 2020—I mentioned that I would provide tips on how to manage election anxiety. I offer these tips to you now in “How to Deal with Election Anxiety.” —Michael Angelo, LCPC When it comes to worries about the […]
The Healing Power of Play for Traumatized Children

Play is the natural way that young children discharge the tensions of their daily lives. When children are picked on at school, they may come home at the end of the day and enlist siblings, friends, or even stuffed animals to play out a drama in which the child, transformed into the school principal, gets […]
Therapeutic Ways to Change Negative Thinking

Along With 12 Tools for Addressing Crisis Situations We all have thoughts that invade our brains from time to time and mess with our moods. We all get down. Whether it’s your job, social life, family, or something completely different, sometimes the negativity can be too much. It can snowball. That’s the part where it […]
Defusing Emotional Bombs

It has been said that if we repeatedly find ourselves in places where we don’t want to go, it’s our thinking that has led us there. Emily can relate. All she has done is mislaid a report she knows would be very helpful in a meeting scheduled for today. Yet her mind immediately goes to: I must […]
Discovering God’s Will for Your Kids in Big Decisions

When John Ortberg’s oldest daughter, Laura, was in high school and thinking about choosing a college, she was anxious about the process.
The Alarming Trend of Teen Suicide

Anthony Bourdain. Kate Spade. Robin Williams. We know the tragic stories of their suicides. Countless other adults, mostly unknown, have succumbed to this tragedy, as well. Let’s not forget teens who take their own lives, either. As you’ve undoubtedly heard, the suicide rate for young adults is up—significantly. A study of pediatric hospitals released in […]
How to Find the Right Therapist for You

Table of Contents If you’re having trouble finding the right therapist, don’t despair. It’s not easy. People usually go with who’s closest to where they live or work, or who takes their insurance, or both—without ever actually deciding what they need personally from therapy. It’s what they need from therapy that should lead them to […]
What Is Concealed Depression and How Can You Spot Its Sneaky Symptoms?

When you think of depression, you may be inclined to picture someone who struggles to get out of bed every morning and is barely able to function. But unlike many medical conditions, depression is one that often goes unseen and undiagnosed. That’s because many sufferers actually experience concealed or smiling depression, in which they put […]
Putting the Coronavirus into Perspective

Perspective is an important thing to consider when dealing with anxiety-provoking situations. You know this from your sessions with your therapist. Please remember this as you consider your response to Covid-19. Don’t let emotions outweigh logic in your everyday choices surrounding the coronavirus. Whether it’s fighting someone in the grocery store for toilet paper, or […]